Wednesday, October 15, 2014


To work in clothing store for examples Uniqlo and PDI is one of my dream jobs .
I enjoy greeting people with the brightest smile on my face ,
" Welcome to Uniqlo "

And people will come and request for my assistance.

eceh , kemain fefeeling important sangat .

I never work for any yet but I hope I soon will be :)

So, these happened last week .

Situation 1 :
As I entered and wandered in Uniqlo , 
yes of course in my kemeja and slack ,

a customer approached me ,

" Hey, do you work here ? "

I smiled and responded with a no .

Situation 2 :
I was busy making up my mind which shirt to buy in PDI and a pregnant kakak
with a fierce face suddenly asked me,

" Yang ni takde display ke ? " 

" Takde kot kak , apa yang ada kat sini je " 

" Yang ni saiz M ada tak ? "

" Sebentar ye saya tanya pekerja yang lain " 

I swiftly walked to the pekerja and whispered to him ,

" Akak tu ingatkan saya kerja sini , awak boleh tolong assist dia tak ? "

I , as always , smiled and continued shopping .

Twice , 
that would be a good sign .
I one day would work there :)

Friday, October 10, 2014


I had my final session of English tuition class last night ,
with them ,
the PT3 candidates .

I at first was worried of me ,
 - not being able to deliver well .
 - unsure of the format of section D
 - and if I didn't really cater their needs .

I hate that , I would hate that .
But it turned out - in a way
that left me being worried more .

I repeatedly asked the groups of them ,
 - what would come out .
So I spent the final night focusing on what they shared
and discuss further on format of speech .


They were not ready ,
They were worried ,
They were somewhere else .

Some struggled - with even the introduction for speech .
some , didn't even understand the title of the sample question given .

I felt sorry .

I tried my best ,
I hope somehow it will help them
and Allah with ease everything for them .


Realising that last night would be the last ,
so I brought my son out for a while ,
so we would have more time to spend sharing ,
and learn more about English and what not .

" I have to convince myself that I can do it , I hope I can make my parents proud "

said him , Iqmal Azizi .

Good luck everyone !
The best of luck from me ,
the nobody that loves you guys - Saidina of SMKSS .

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I was asked this question last night
by a 13 year old neighbour ,

" Why do you like to take a selfie ? "

so I responded with nothing but 

" I just love the idea of that "

and then I whispered to myself

" Me ? Selfie ? Sorry I don't take a selfie . I take SELFIES "

I'm no Kardashian but Kimmy did take selfie to a higher level
that it gives confidence to others to take more selfies .

Selfie is a virus - contagious but whatever , 
enjoy your front camera to the fullest .

Haha .